$500 million

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Why trade cryptocurrency CFDs online with CapitalTrackFx?

Discover the benefits of trading cryptocurrency CFDs and gain exposure to the world of digital currencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin.

Safe & Secure

Own your digital wallet

Easily deposit into your wallet, trade cryptocurrency from the same platform you use for trading

Secure Storage

Leveraged crypto trading

Make your capital go further when you use up to 100:1 leverage on your cryptocurrency trades with CapitalTrackFx

Several Profit

80% Profit Guaranteed

Let the World best traders who are already in the market for more than a decade do the trading while you get the profit.

Start trading cryptocurrencies today

Work Process
  • Open a free live trading account

  • Add funds by depositing into your account

  • Monitor the market and choose the cryptocurrency you want to trade

Find out more about how to trade cryptocurrency CFDs with CapitalTrackFx or discover the right trading account type for you: standard, pro or swap-free trading account.

Get Started

What is cryptocurrency trading?

Just like traditional forex trading, when you trade a cryptocurrency you’re simply speculating on whether the price of an individual asset – such as Bitcoin – will rise or fall.

And when you trade cryptocurrency CFDs with CapitalTrackFx, you don’t have to invest directly in the product. Instead, you’re simply trading on the real-time price movements in the market, meaning you could earn a profit or a loss whether the price goes up or down. Find out more about how cryptocurrency trading works.

Work Process

How to deposit cryptocurrency into my trading account?

Work Process
  • Select the cryptocurrency you wish to deposit with.

  • Select the amount to deposit in Fiat or Crypto

  • Scan the QR code or copy the wallet address to your Cryptocurrency Wallet, then enter the cryptocurrency amount you wish to transfer

  • Hit Send/Transfer

Deposit Crypto

What cryptocurrencies can I deposit?

Work Process

CapitalTrackFx provide all the regular payment methods available to start funding your trading account with the addition of cryptocurrency deposits.

Follow the steps above to start depositing crypto to fund your account. We currently offer the following cryptocurrencies as available coins you can deposit with:

  • Bitcoin (BTC)

  • Tether (USDT)

  • Ethereum (ETH)

  • Ethereum (ETH)

  • Stellar (XLM)

  • Ripple (XRP)

Frequently Asked questions

What is blockchain?

Blockchain is a form of decentralised technology that makes use of multiple computers to ensure and manage the integrity of transactions. As there is no central computer or authority that keeps a copy of these transactional records and all records are publicly visible, it makes it effectively impossible for any single person or entity to change the historical transactional data. This makes blockchain technology highly secure and adds to its trustworthiness.

What is bitcoin?

Bitcoin is the first cryptocurrency. It was created in 2008 as a “new world” currency that people could use in the knowledge that no single government or authority in the world is able to control or produce more of it.

Is CFD trading regulated?

Yes. When trading a volatile cryptocurrency like Bitcoin as a CFD, it’s crucial to choose a reputable and accountable broker for your trades.

Do I own the actual Bitcoin when trading it with CapitalTrackFx?

No. When trading Bitcoin as a CFD, you are effectively buying and selling the price movements of financial products. This allows you to benefit from the volatility that exists in the market for Bitcoin.

The main difference in trading with CFDs is that there is no need to physically (or in this case, virtually) own the asset that you are trading. When trading CFDs on Bitcoin, you are only speculating on the price fluctuations of the cryptocurrency.

What are the advantages of trading bitcoin CFDs with CapitalTrackFx?

Bitcoin CFDs allow you to participate in the Bitcoin market without having to physically (or virtually) own any Bitcoin. Hence, there is no need to own a cryptocurrency storage wallet or even be involved in the Bitcoin exchange.

Bitcoin wallets are highly vulnerable to hacking attacks and theft; once a wallet is hacked and Bitcoins are stolen, there is no way to recover them. To help avoid such risks, trading Bitcoin CFDs is a safe and regulated alternative.

Securing your payments

As a responsible broker, online security and fraud prevention are our top priorities. To ensure your account is fully protected, we implement high industry standards of encryption for our online payments and apply extra validation measures, such as ensuring all deposits and withdrawals match up with the name on your credit card. These small but important steps add valuable extra layers of protection to your account and provide you with a safer and more secure trading experience.

Super simple withdrawals

Some brokers make you jump through hoops just to withdraw your own money. Our transparent service lets you make deposits and request withdrawals at any time through our online Client Portal. And, depending on the funding method you choose, your money can be cleared instantly.